Spring. Who does not long for it? Especially after all the wet and stormy weather of the past few days, it is high time for some sunshine and milder conditions. The season of small and large holiday and camping fairs has already begun, which means we are more or less in the spring mood - weather or no weather.

Last year, spring came early to Drenthe. On Sunday 15 March, RTV Drenthe made a colourful spring report with inspiring images of blossoming crocus fields, budding trees and country estates in Drenthe opening their doors to the public. In Assen, the mercury rose above ten degrees Celsius that day and the first lemon butterfly was spotted.

Camping in Drenthe? Plan a day for the butterfly temple

Drenthe has something to do with butterflies. In 1985, Dierenpark Emmen started setting up a butterfly garden. This grew into one of the largest and most important butterfly gardens in Europe, with hundreds of species of butterflies, including many rare ones. The unique 'butterfly garden of Emmen' grew into a world-class attraction.

After thirty successful years, the curtain fell. But not completely, fortunately. In 2015, the Emmen Zoo moved to a new location and seized the opportunity to introduce a different formula, focused on children and experience. Most of the animals moved with the park, but not the butterflies. However, well before the move, lots of extra bushes were planted on which butterflies like to lay their eggs. The plants did move to the new location. With eggs and all.

The expedition for all young fans of Freek Vonk

These eggs formed the basis for the new butterfly population in the new animal park, which is now called Wildlands. It was tense, because some butterfly species need a long time to get used to the idea of having offspring, but it worked out wonderfully well. Wildlands Emmen now has a unique butterfly temple where special butterfly species can be admired. The way it is done is great for children.

The butterfly temple is so dense that children imagine themselves in a real jungle. In particular, the many young fans of Freek Vonk will enjoy this special expedition. The 'Freek Vonk feeling' applies to the whole park, which is not called an Adventure Zoo for nothing. Towers, rope bridges, rivers and lots of wild animals that you can study from the craziest angles and positions. Children just can't get enough of it.

Camping in Drenthe: one big adventure

This just goes to show that camping in Drenthe is one big adventure. And what is more fun than experiencing that adventure from the best child-friendly campsite in Drenthe? Camping de Berken (four stars) is centrally located and surrounded by nature. A day trip to Emmen's butterfly temple is certainly not to be missed, but even at the campsite itself, the little adventurers can indulge themselves to their heart's content. In a safe, private environment. But first it has to be spring!

Publication date : 05-02-2021

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